506-875-3525 info@reaganrmt.com
Reagan Sutherland

Registered Massage Therapist

Relax with Massage & Holistic Therapies

Reagan Sutherland
Registered Massage Therapist

After having completed Bachelor Degrees in Science and Education, Reagan decided to pursue her passion for natural healing methods.  In 2007, she completed certification in Foot Reflexology through the Atlantic School of Reflexology.  Also in 2007, Reagan completed the 200 hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher training with Atlantic Yoga Teacher Training.  She went on to graduate in 2012 from ICT Schools Moncton, after completing the 2200 hour Massage Therapy Diploma program.  Her professional memberships consist of the College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick, the Association of New Brunswick Massage Therapists, the Reflexology Association of Canada and the Alliance Professional of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists.  She has worked at Tidewater Physio for over 5 years and currently has a private practice from her home in Riverview.  Other modalities she has trained in include Cranial Sacral therapy, Structural Myofascial techniques, Cupping massage, Hot stone massage, and various energy healing modalities. With that combination of modalities, she provides a strong holistic and personal approach to her treatment sessions.

Reagan Sutherland RMT

Professional Memberships

Reagan Sutherland RMT
Naturopath Reagan Sutherland RMT
anbmt Massage Therapy Reagan RMT
Reflexology Assoc Of Canada - Reagan RMT


CMTNB - Massage Therapy Reagan Sutherland RMT
aytt - Yoga - Reagan Sutherland RMT
ICT School Reagan Sutherland RMT
ASR School- Reflexology - Reagan Sutherland RMT
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